Tis the season to buy, buy, buy. Christmas consumption blah blah. Seems a little antithetical. Jesus came so that we might reach into our pockets? Yeah, I’m pretty well over it. In fact, I was over it well before the holiday season began. J and I decided last Christmas to abandon the culture of spending, buying, consuming and shopping throughout December.. and instead gift. Gift love, time, and of course, baking. We have so enjoyed making gifts in the garage (like a wooden birdhouse for my sister and brother-in-law!), baking together and sharing meals with friends and family.
So here’s a little treat for you. Grab a bag of oreos and a punnet of cream cheese and whip up these bad boys. Gift them to someone precious, and replace the hours you would have spent traipsing through town, over a cup a tea and an Oreo cheesecake truffle with them instead.
Oreo Cheesecake Truffles
2 packets Oreos
250g cream cheese
250g dark chocolate
In the food processor, blend Oreos and cream cheese until fully amalgamated. Refrigerate mixture until firm. Roll mixture into balls and refrigerate, again, until firm. Melt chocolate and dip each truffle, using a fork (or one of those handy truffle dipper tools my mum has) to drain of excess chocolate. Not that there is anything wrong with a big puddle of chocolate beneath each truffle.. Decorate with white chocolate and crumbled Oreos if desired. Otherwise they rather look like reindeer poo. Which works if you’re going for that..
I was just contemplating what truffles to make…I think I will try these 🙂 love the blog!! How long do you think these would last for?
They are pretty amazing! I’d say a few weeks in the fridge. Mum makes cream cheese truffles every year and they freeze nicely and last well in fridge.
Oreos are my favorite store bought cookies. I bet these are amazing.
I like your approach Christina 🙂
I brought cookies down with me to Wellington over the weekend, hung out with favourite people etc and enjoyed that much more than jostling in stores amidst madness!
Made these!! They are awesome!! Thanks!!
Yay! They’re pretty addictive.. enjoy 🙂
Beautiful photographs… and the sweets 😉
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I love your sentiment – I too find the over-indulgence, over-spending and complete excessiveness of Christmas a bit abhorrent. Absolutely nothing excessive about these wee babies though – I definitely need to give them a try, and share with some friends 🙂
Oh my….! These look way decadent! So pretty too. 🙂