131+ Fascinating Civil War Trivia Facts

Civil War Trivia Questions That You Might Know!

Did you know that the Civil War was the deadliest conflict in American history?

Over 600,000 soldiers lost their lives between 1861 and 1865. It’s a tragic period that many of us learn about in school, but the textbooks often overlook the most interesting bits.

You might think you know everything about the Civil War, but prepare to be surprised. There’s much more to discover, from bizarre battles to unexpected heroes.

In this article, we’ll share 131+ fascinating Civil War trivia facts that will shock and amaze you. Get ready to impress your friends and family with your newfound knowledge of this pivotal historical moment.

Let’s dive in and explore the untold stories of the Civil War!

Fascinating Civil War Trivia Facts

Fascinating Civil War Trivia Facts

  1. Q: What year did the Civil War begin? – 1861

  2. Q: Where was the first battle of the Civil War fought? – Fort Sumter, South Carolina

  3. Q: Who was the President of the United States during the Civil War? – Abraham Lincoln

  4. Q: What was the bloodiest single-day battle of the Civil War? – The Battle of Antietam

  5. Q: What year did the Civil War end? – 1865

  6. Q: Where did General Robert E. Lee surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant? – Appomattox Court House, Virginia

  7. Q: What was the Confederacy’s capital city? – Richmond, Virginia

  8. Q: What was the Union’s capital city? – Washington, D.C.

  9. Q: What famous speech did President Lincoln deliver during the Civil War? – The Gettysburg Address

  10. Q: What was the name of the famous Confederate submarine? – H.L. Hunley

  11. Q: What was the first major battle of the Civil War? – The First Battle of Bull Run (or First Manassas)

  12. Q: What was the last major battle of the Civil War? – The Battle of Appomattox Courthouse

  13. Q: What was the name of General Lee’s horse? – Traveller

  14. Q: What famous Union general was known as “Unconditional Surrender”? – Ulysses S. Grant

  15. Q: What was the name of the Union ironclad ship that battled the CSS Virginia? – USS Monitor

  16. Q: What state was admitted to the Union during the Civil War? – West Virginia

  17. Q: What was the nickname given to Union soldiers? – Yankees or Bluebellies

  18. Q: What was the nickname given to Confederate soldiers? – Rebels or Johnny Rebs

  19. Q: What famous actress was accused of conspiring to assassinate President Lincoln? – John Wilkes Booth

  20. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the capture of Fort Henry? – Ulysses S. Grant

  21. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the defense at the Battle of Shiloh? – Albert Sidney Johnston

  22. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the cavalry at the Battle of Winchester? – Wesley Merritt

  23. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Tennessee during the March to the Sea? – William T. Sherman

  24. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Ohio during the Atlanta Campaign? – John M. Schofield

  25. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the James during the Siege of Petersburg?– Edward Ord

  26. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Tennessee during the Vicksburg Campaign? – Ulysses S. Grant

  27. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the defense of Fort Donelson? – Simon Bolivar Buckner

  28. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the cavalry at the Battle of Gettysburg? – John Buford

  29. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Army of Tennessee at the Battle of Franklin?– John Bell Hood

  30. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Antietam? – George B. McClellan

  31. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the defense of Fort Henry? – Lloyd Tilghman

  32. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Tennessee at the Battle of Shiloh? – Ulysses S. Grant

  33. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the First Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia? – James Longstreet

  34. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the cavalry at the Battle of Cedar Creek? – George A. Custer

  35. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Army of Tennessee at the Battle of Stones River? – Braxton Bragg

  36. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Fredericksburg? – Ambrose Burnside

  37. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the defense of Fort Wagner? – William B. Taliaferro

  38. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Chickamauga? – William S. Rosecrans

  39. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Second Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia? – Richard S. Ewell

  40. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Tennessee at the Battle of Chattanooga? – William T. Sherman

  41. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the cavalry at the Battle of Chancellorsville? – J.E.B. Stuart

  42. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Cold Harbor?– Ulysses S. Grant

  43. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Army of Tennessee at the Battle of Chickamauga? – Braxton Bragg

  44. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the cavalry at the Battle of Stones River? – David S. Stanley

  45. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the defense of Fort Pillow? – James R. Chalmers

  46. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the James at the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm?– Benjamin F. Butler

  47. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Third Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia? – A.P. Hill

  48. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the cavalry at the Battle of Mine Run? – Alfred Pleasonton

  49. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the defense of Fort McAllister? – George A. Anderson

  50. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House? – George G. Meade

  51. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida? – P.G.T. Beauregard

  52. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Ohio at the Battle of Perryville? – Don Carlos Buell

  53. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Army of the Peninsula at the Battle of Seven Pines? – Joseph E. Johnston

  54. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Gulf at the Battle of Baton Rouge? – Thomas Williams

  55. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Trans-Mississippi Department? – Edmund Kirby Smith

  56. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Stones River? – William S. Rosecrans

  57. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Army of Northern Virginia at the Battle of Chancellorsville? – Robert E. Lee

  58. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Mississippi at the Battle of Iuka? – William S. Rosecrans

  59. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of North Carolina? – Theophilus H. Holmes

  60. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of Virginia at the Second Battle of Bull Run?– John Pope

  61. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Army of the West at the Battle of Pea Ridge? – Earl Van Dorn

  62. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Chancellorsville? – Joseph Hooker

  63. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of East Tennessee? – Edmund Kirby Smith

  64. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Tennessee at the Battle of Corinth? – William S. Rosecrans

  65. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Army of the Kanawha at the Battle of Scary Creek? – Henry A. Wise

  66. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of the Pacific? – George Wright

  67. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Army of the Northwest at the Battle of Rich Mountain? – Robert S. Garnett

  68. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Southwest at the Battle of Prairie Grove? – James G. Blunt

  69. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the District of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona? – John B. Magruder

  70. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Ohio at the Battle of Knoxville? – Ambrose Burnside

  71. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of Alabama and West Florida? – John H. Forney

  72. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Middle Department? – Robert C. Schenck

  73. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the District of Western North Carolina? – Robert B. Vance

  74. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of New Mexico? – Edward R.S. Canby

  75. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of Henrico? – John H. Winder

    the name of the Confederate general

  76. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Frontier at the Battle of Cane Hill? – James G. Blunt

  77. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Army of Kentucky at the Battle of Mill Springs? – George B. Crittenden

  78. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of the South? – Quincy A. Gillmore

  79. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the District of the Gulf? – Dabney H. Maury

  80. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of Virginia and North Carolina? – Benjamin F. Butler

  81. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of South Carolina? – Roswell S. Ripley

  82. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Missionary Ridge? – George H. Thomas

  83. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of Richmond? – Arnold Elzey

  84. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of the Susquehanna? – Darius N. Couch

  85. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of Western Virginia? – William W. Loring

  86. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Tennessee at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain? – James B. McPherson

  87. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia? – Pierre G.T. Beauregard

  88. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of Washington? – Samuel P. Heintzelman

  89. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Trans-Allegheny Department? – John B. Floyd

  90. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the James at the Second Battle of Fort Fisher? – Alfred H. Terry

  91. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of Florida? – Joseph Finegan

  92. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of North Anna? – George G. Meade

  93. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana? – Franklin Gardner

  94. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of the Gulf? – Nathaniel P. Banks

  95. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the District of Arkansas? – Thomas C. Hindman

  96. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Glendale? – George B. McClellan

  97. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of Indian Territory? – Douglas H. Cooper

  98. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of Kansas? – James G. Blunt

  99. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the District of Louisiana? – Richard Taylor

  100. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Tennessee at the Battle of Atlanta? – James B. McPherson

  101. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of Tennessee? – Leonidas Polk

  102. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of the Monongahela? – William T.H. Brooks

  103. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of South Georgia and Florida? – Joseph Finegan

  104. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Chickamauga? – William S. Rosecrans

  105. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the District of Texas? – John B. Magruder

  106. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of the East? – John E. Wool

  107. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of Southern Virginia and North Carolina? – Samuel G. French

  108. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Gettysburg? – George G. Meade

  109. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Trans-Mississippi Department? – Edmund Kirby Smith

  110. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of the Northwest? – John Pope

  111. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of Western Kentucky? – Gideon J. Pillow

  112. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Cold Harbor?– Ulysses S. Grant

  113. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the District of Georgia? – Alexander R. Lawton

  114. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of New England? – Benjamin F. Butler

  115. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the District of North Alabama? – Jones M. Withers

  116. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Ohio at the Battle of Shiloh? – Don Carlos Buell

  117. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida? – P.G.T. Beauregard

  118. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of the Ohio? – Ambrose Burnside

  119. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana? – Braxton Bragg

  120. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Chattanooga? – George H. Thomas

  121. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of East Tennessee and West Virginia? – John C. Breckinridge

  122. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of West Virginia? – Benjamin F. Kelley

  123. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the District of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona? – Henry H. Sibley

  124. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the James at the Battle of Cold Harbor? – Benjamin F. Butler

  125. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Army of the Kanawha? – Henry A. Wise

  126. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House? – George G. Meade

  127. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of East Tennessee and Georgia? – Edmund Kirby Smith

  128. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of the South at the Battle of Fort Pulaski? – Quincy A. Gillmore

  129. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the District of Aiken? – Nathan G. Evans

  130. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Department of the Missouri? – John M. Schofield

  131. Q: What was the name of the Confederate general who led the Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia? – Samuel G. French

  132. Q: What was the name of the Union general who led the Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Fort Stevens? – Horatio G. Wright


Exploring these fascinating Civil War trivia facts has shed light on the complex tapestry of this pivotal moment in American history.

From the unsung heroes to the pivotal battles, each piece of information adds depth to our understanding of the conflict that shaped the nation.

As we reflect on these facts, it’s essential to consider the Civil War’s lasting impact on society, politics, and culture.

The stories of bravery, sacrifice, and resilience resonate with us today, reminding us of the importance of learning from our past.

So, the next time you discuss the Civil War, share some interesting tidbits and inspire others to delve deeper into this amazing history chapter.

James Edwards

James Edwards is a trivia enthusiast who has spent over 15 years curating challenging questions and hosting quiz nights. When he's not writing or devising quizzes, you can find James exploring new books or enjoying a classic film marathon. His expertise in trivia has made him a popular figure in the quiz community. He graduated with a degree in History from the University of California, Berkeley.

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