27 Name Games for Kids to Learn While Enjoying

Name Games for Kids

As per the modern education system, education and fun go hand in hand. Gamification plays a significant role in educating children. Playing name games with them is a win-win for both the teacher and the children.

They are getting informed, and at the same time, they are entertained. Name games are the best way to educate children. With the aid of educationalists and seasoned teachers, we have specially curated a list of 27 name games.

These games are informative and entertaining at the same time, which will put the kids on the right track and embark on the realm of self-development, like the Name Chain game, which will help them interrelate words and learn new words.

Whereas the Name Relay helps them keep track of the words, enhancing their memory. We have curated them for kids of all ages. Whether you want to spend time with your kid or an adult who wants to step up their vocabulary knowledge, you are at the right place.

List of Enlightening Word Name Games for Your Kids

1. Name Chain

Name Chain .php

How to play this game?

The name-chain game can be a great icebreaker. The game can be played by anyone, regardless of age. The crux of the game is to find linking words.

  • Step 1 – Ask a group to form a circle.
  • Step 2 – As a mediator, introduce a theme- School or office and ask them to create a chain of words.
  • Step 3 – For example, If you say School, the first one has to say something related to school, and the second one has to say another word with what the previous one told in 30 seconds.
  • Step 4 – If the first one says Bus, the second one has to say Bus, Bag, and the third one says Bus, Bag, Books, and the game goes on.

Prerequisites – Pen and a paper to keep track of words to avoid disputes, a 30-second timer.

2. Name Hunt

Name Hunt .jpg

How to play this game?

  • Step 1 – Cut pieces of paper and write the children’s names on it.
  • Step 2 – Ask the children to decorate their names
  • Step 3 – Hide the papers around the room and invite them to find out the paper that has their name. If they find out others’ names, ask them to leave them hidden and start searching for theirs.
  • Step 4 – The game continues until every kid finds their name.

To push the game a little forward, once they find the names, ask them what is the meaning of their name and the story behind it. It will break the ice and improve their social skills.

3. Name Pictionary

Name Pictionary .jpg

How to play this game?

The game’s pictionary can easily spark conversation and keep you improve rapport with the children.

  • Step 1 – Gather a group of children, write each one’s name on a piece of paper, and shuffle it up.
  • Step 2 – Take turns in picking up a piece of paper. If a kid takes a paper, they are not supposed to say the name out loud. Rather, they can draw something related to the name on a piece of paper or a board.
  • Step 3 – While the kid is drawing, others have to guess the name with the clues being drawn. (For example, If the kid named Harry is tall, you can draw a tall figure for the others to find out)
  • Step 4 – The kid will have to continue drawing until someone finds out the name
  • Step 5 – The one who found out the name will have the chance to pick the next card and draw and get a point; the mediator has to keep track of the scores to eliminate disputes
  • Step 6 – The game will go on until everyone has their chance to draw. Finally, the one who got the highest score will be announced as the winner.

The theme of the game is to spark conversation and improve social skills. There is no elimination; everyone takes turns drawing and having fun.

4. Name Charades

Name Charades

How to play this game?

The game is comparatively easy and does not need any prerequisites to play.

  • Step 1 – Ask the kids to assemble. The first player has to come up with something in their mind. It can be anything like a book, a fruit, a sport, or a famous personality.
  • Step 2 – The kid will have to pantomime the chosen title. If it is a book, they have to act like they are reading a book, or if it is a fruit, they have to pretend like they are eating something,
  • Step 3 – Among the audience, they have to throw their answers. The one who finds it out will get a point.
  • Step 4 – The game ends when everyone has their chance to pantomime, and whoever has more points at the end will be announced as the winner.

To spice up the game, you can divide them into groups to have more fun. To make it a bit harder, you can limit the topic to something complex so that it will take more time and fun to find out.

5. Name Bingo

Name Bingo

How to play this game?

Name bingo is one of the well-known games among children. It is easy to play and helps the kid develop a good memory and social skills.

  • Step 1 – Prepare bingo cards of grids (5*5) or (4*4) and write the kids’ names in each square.
  • Step 2 – Hand out the cards and give them something to mark, like a coin or a button.
  • Step 3 – The players must listen carefully to the mediator who calls out the names. When their name is called, they have to fill in the board with the given coins or buttons.
  • Step 4 – Once all the boxes are filled, the player has to shout Bingo! The mediator will check whether the player filled out the boxes correctly. And the winner is announced.

You can change the difficulty of the words as the game progresses.

6. Name Scavenger Hunt

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How to play this game?

The Name scavenger hunt is one of the most exciting and intriguing games for kids. This game will keep the kids on the run and improve themselves.

  • Step 1 – Count the heads and create name cards for each kid. You can DIY the name cards rather than taking the effort to print them or buy them.
  • Step 2 – Once you create the name board, keep it aside, take different colored papers, and write the letters separately on every color paper. (For example, If the name of the kid is Charlotte, write it on cardboard and colored paper, write the letter C on a piece of paper, H on the other paper, and go on until there are nine papers),
  • Step 3 – Do the same to all the names, hand the name board with full names to the kids, and stick the pieces of colored paper all around the house or the room. Try to make it difficult for them,
  • Step 4 – Now, ask the kids to scavenge their names. The one who collects all the letters and forms their name below the cardboard box wins the game.

To have more fun, introduce new and lengthy words and post them in even more difficult spots.

7. Name Story

Name Story

How to play this game?

The name story game can be a good icebreaker. It can be played by anyone regardless of age. The game goes like this: Imagine a group of 10 kids, and the name of the first kid is Enid. The first kid has to form a sentence with the name (Enid has fringes), and the second kid has to form a sentence with their name.

  • Step 1 – Gather a group of kids.
  • Step 2 – The sentence should have some connection to the first sentence.
  • Step 3 – Each kid takes a turn in forming a sentence. It will be fun as the story progresses.
  • Step 4 – Once the story ends with the last one. It will be fun to ask someone interested to recite the entire story.

To push them a little forward, limit the topics to certain subjects. This will make them think and come up with interesting stories.

8. Name Ball Toss

Name Ball Toss

How to play this game?

The Name Ball Toss game is a tricky game that will improve concentration and memory power.

  • Step 1 – Arrange a group of kids and ask them to form a circle
  • Step 2 – Take a ball or a solid object. The game goes like this: the first kid has to throw the object at another random kid by saying their name.
  • Step 3 – To whom the kid throws the toy has to say the name of the kid who threw the ball, and before passing it to the other kid, they have to say their name. For example, If Margo throws the ball to Enid, Enid has to say “Margo” while receiving the ball and say “Enid” (their name) before passing it on to the other.
  • Step 4 – The cycle will go on until everyone has their chance. The one who made a mistake will be eliminated.

The same process can be done in a counterclockwise manner to increase the memory power.

9. Name Freeze Dance


How to play this game?

The Name Freeze Dance is the most engaging and entertaining game. It needs more than 5 participants. It needs plenty of space for the kids to dance.

  • Step 1 – Ask the kids to form a circle. Assign a specific dance move to each kid. Have the kids introduce themselves and their distinctive moves to others.
  • Step 2 – Play upbeat music. Ask them to dance as they wish. Stop the music abruptly and call out a kid (Freeze! Nadia). The kid has to stop and make the particular move assigned to them.
  • Step 3 – As the game goes by, everyone will be familiar with others’ name and their assigned dance. Now, when the song stops, others can volunteer to say the other’s dance moves. This will spark conversation and can be a good icebreaker.

At last, ask them to perform together and discuss each other’s dance moves.

10. Name Jigsaw

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How to play this game?

You will need a name puzzle board and a small box to shuffle the letters. The game goes like this: The kid has to place each letter right in place.

  • Step 1 – To start with, call up a bunch of kids. Assign each kid a name board puzzle. Scramble all the letters of a name in a box and place it in front of a kid with the name puzzle board.
  • Step 2 – Help them find the words if you find them struggling.
  • Step 3 – Once they match all the letters, they must say ‘FINISH.’
  • Step 4 – Appreciate the winner by giving a round of applause.

You can gradually increase the difficulty of the words to have more fun.

11. Name Memory

Name Memory

How to play this game?

The Name Memory game helps children engage in conversation and improves memory. Here is the step-by-step procedure to play the game.

  • Step 1 – Gather the kids and form a circle. Ask each kid to introduce themselves by their name and what they like. For example, My name is Nemo, and I love swimming.
  • Step 2 – The second kid has to say, “His name is Nemo, and he loves swimming,” and add, “My name is Dory, and I love playing.”
  • Step 3 – The game should go on like this: if a kid forgets to recollect, others can help them out.
  • Step 4 – By playing together, everyone gets a turn to play and get a chance to get to know each other. This improves their social skills.

You can ask them to write the information on a piece of paper and stick it on the board. This will be a lasting memory.

12. Name Relay

Name Relay

How to play this game?

The Name Relay game improves the kids’ social skills and engages them in conversation.

  • Step 1 – Assemble the kids in a line. Segregate them into two or more teams.
  • Step 2 – Designate a starting point and hand the first kid a ball or flag. The kids have to whisper their names to the next one.
  • Step 3 – Instruct them only to whisper the name. The name passes on to the other and once it reaches the last one. The last kid has to run to the first one and hold the flag or the ball.
  • Step 4 – The first team will be announced as the winner.

To push it forward, ask them to finish the game within the stipulated time.

13. Name Song

Name Song

How to play this song?

The name song is the best icebreaker. The game does not require any prerequisites.

  • Step 1 – Assemble the kids in a circle.
  • Step 2 – Ask the first kid to sing a random song of their own, and ask them to insert their name in the song. For example – Na na na …. Andy…na na na…
  • Step 3 – The second kid has to sing the song and add their name. The game will end when everyone gets their turn to sing.
  • Step 4 – The final step is everyone has to sing the song.

You can introduce eliminations to increase the intensity of the game.

14. Name Simon Says

Name Simon Says

How to play this game?

The Name Simon Says game is a tricky one for the kids. The game will help them be alarmed all the time and improve concentration.

  • Step 1 – Arrange the kids in a line. And choose a “Simon” as the leader.
  • Step 2 – Intimate the kids to follow the commands of Simon if he says “Simon says” and adds a command.
  • Step 3 – Ask them not to obey the command if Simon does not add “Simon says” in front of the command.
  • Step 4 – Simon can get their fellow kids off guard and ask them to do tricky things like, “Simon says, act like a dinosaur”.
  • Step 5 – If the kid follows the command when Simon does not say “Simon says,” they will be eliminated.

After a few rounds, change the Simon to have more fun. So that everyone will have the chance to command.

15. Name I Spy


How to play this game?

The game I Spy can help kids mingle with each other. And work in unison.

  • Step 1 – Arrange the kids in a line and pick a kid and ask them to say, “I Spy with my little eyes, someone whose name starts with (a letter).”
  • Step 2 – The second kid has to find out the kid whose name starts with the mentioned letter.
  • Step 3 – Then they have to say, “I spy with my little eyes, whose name starts with the letter (a letter), and the other one has to find the kid whose name starts with the mentioned letter. And the game goes on until everyone gets a turn.

Change their names to something different to have more fun.

16. Name Twister

Name Twister .jpg

How to play this game?

The Name Twister game can be so much fun if played right. Here is the step-by-step procedure to play the game. The kids have to follow the commands to win.

  • Step 1 – Gather the kids. Lay out a twister mat with circled filled with different colors.
  • Step 2 – Choose one kid to be the spinner. The kid will give commands and spin a bottle, or you can use a spinner app.
  • Step 3 – After spinning, the spinner calls out a command according to the result. It will be like Hands on blue, Right leg on yellow.
  • Step 4 – The players have to follow the commands and move accordingly. One who makes a wrong move will be out of the game.

Play upbeat music and ask the other kids to distract the player to have more fun.

17. Name Hopscotch

Name Hopscotch .jpg

How to play this game?

The Name Hopscotch game can be a good pick for the kids since it involves a lot of physical effort that will keep them engaged. Step on the right square!

  • Step 1 – Draw a hopscotch grid. Typical grids would have 10 squares.
  • Step 2 – Ask the first player to throw an object in the first square. Then, ask them to hop through the squares without stepping on the square with the object in it.
  • Step 3 – Noticing whether the square is single or side-by-side, the player can use single or both legs to hop.
  • Step 4 – If a player steps on the square with the object or steps on a line, they will be out of the game.

Introduce music to the game to make it more fun and add time limits to make it a bit difficult.

18. Name Hop

Name Hop

How to play this game?

The game involves hopping on one foot while spelling their names.

  • Step 1 – Gather the kids in a circle.
  • Step 2 – Start with the first kid. Ask them to hop on one leg and say the letters of their name as they hop on each square.
  • Step 3 – Followed by the next one, the game continues until everyone has their chance.
  • Step 4 – The kids can help each other if someone forgets the name. The purpose of the game is to have fun.

Introduce music or ask the other kids to distract the player. This will teach them the need for concentration.

19. Name Tower or Jenga

Name Tower or Jenga

How to play this game?

Stack up the Jenga and pull out each Jenga without toppling it.

  • Step 1 – Get a Jenga set or some stackable object. Ask the first kid to start by stacking three objects horizontally or vertically until they build a tower.
  • Step 2 – Assign each kid a special name. The game starts when the kid has to pull out a block, say their assigned name, and be careful not to topple the tower.
  • Step 3 – Everyone will have their turn in pulling the blocks. When someone topples the tower, the game ends.

Set a timer to increase the intensity of the game. This will keep the kids alarmed and teach them to manage time.

20. Name Drawing Challenge

Name Drawing Challenge

How to play this game?

Draw random things and ask the other kid to name them.

  • Step 1 – Gather the kids and provide them with writing and coloring aids.
  • Step 2 – Assign each kid a partner. The first kid of a team of two has to draw something.
  • Step 3 – The second kid has to find out the name of what the other one is drawing. This develops a personal connection and understanding between the children.

Limit the subject to something specific. This will spark their imagination.

21. Name Relay Drawing

Name Relay Drawing .jpeg

How to play this game?

Summon a kid and ask them to draw on the board and ask the others to find out what is drawn.

  • Step 1 – Segregate the kids into teams of 4 or 5.
  • Step 2 – Take a chart or butcher paper and stick it to the wall before each team.
  • Step 3 – The first kid has to go to the paper hung before them and start drawing something unique. And hand over the chalk to the next kid.
  • Step 4 – The game goes on until everyone gets a chance to draw.
  • Step 5 – Finally, take the drawn papers and hand them to the kids. Ask them to discuss and find out what is drawn.

Call the kid and ask them to draw something complex. This will make the others think and come up with unique answers.

22. Name Charade Drawing


How to play this game?

The game is about drawing something and leaving the guessing part to the other kids.

  • Step 1– Gather the kids and explain to them.
  • Step 2 – Bring a board or a chart and hang it in front of them. Call a kid and ask them to draw something tricky.
  • Step 3 – Now, the other kids have to keep on throwing their answers—the round ends when someone says the right answer.

Appreciate the winner with gifts or applause to encourage them.

23. Name Puzzle Race


How to play this game?

The game is about matching the letters on a name puzzle board.

  • Step 1 – Gather the kids. Write the kids’ names and cut them into separate letters.
  • Step 2 – Do the same for every kid’s name and put all the letters into a box and shuffle it
  • Step 3 – Now call up names and ask them to find and arrange their names from the box.
  • Step 4 – The first one to arrange the letters will be the winner.

Set a timer before them to have more fun.

24. Name Mirror

Name Mirror

How to play this game?

The game is about mimicking the other kid.

  • Step 1 – Pair up the kids. And designate a leader and a follower for each team.
  • Step 2 – Ask the follower to do unique dance moves, and the follower has to mirror the leader and sing a song with their name.
  • Step 3 – After a while, switch teams and positions so that everyone will have their turn.

Ask them not to repeat dance steps to have more fun.

25. Name Animal Sounds

Name Animal Sounds.jpg

How to play this game?

The game is about coming in front of everyone, saying their name, and making an animal sound.

  • Step 1 – Gather the kids.
  • Step 2 – Call random kids and ask them to participate. For example, Lion says, roar… The dog says woof woof…
  • Step 3 – After everyone had their turns, ask everyone to shout the animal sounds out loud. It will educate them and have fun at the same time.

At last, ask everyone to write down the animal sounds and say it all together.

26. Name Obstacle Course

Name Obstacle Course

How to play this game?

Inform the kids that the game is about passing through obstacles.

  • Step 1 – Gather the kids on a line.
  • Step 2 – Put some obstacles in the play area, like hoops, huls, and cones. Designate each obstacle with a name and stick it near the obstacle.
  • Step 3 – Now, the kid will navigate through the obstacle. The other participants can help the player, or cheer them up.
  • Step 4 – The game will end when everyone gets their chance to navigate.

Introduce prices for the best performers to encourage them.

27. Name Rhyme Time


How to play this game?

Make the kids sit down and explain that the game is about saying a rhyming word for the name.

  • Step 1 – Segregate the kids into a team of two and ask them to say their names to each other.
  • Step 2 – Now, each kid has to say a rhyming word for the other kid’s name. (John… Barn) (Hannah… Banana)
  • Step 3 – Repeat the process.

At the end, ask everyone to say their name with the rhyme word out loud.

Final Thoughts

Involving kids in such games will help them develop their interpersonal skills, eliminate their social anxiety, and help them make friends. Games like this will help a great deal since it entertains them as well as educates them.

Go through all the games, from the icebreaker name chain to the conversation starter name charade drawing. Please understand your kids and choose the game accordingly. Increase the difficulty of the game to have more fun.

Not only kids but people of all ages can play these games with the rules slightly changed. The ultimate purpose of the games is to have fun learning. By doing so, their screen time is reduced, and they indulge in making conversation in real time.

Natalia Rodriguez

Natalia Rodriguez, a journalist with over a decade of experience, has been a vibrant part of our team since 2015. She holds a Master's in Child Development from Stanford University. Natalia began her career in early childhood education, where she spent five years understanding children's learning and play behaviors. Her transition to writing was driven by her passion for educating parents and caregivers about developmental milestones and creative play. When she's not writing, Natalia enjoys crafting and hiking.